How to love your client/agency

Clients vs. Agencies - it doesn't have to be a battle

Like any relationship, they can either be nurturing or toxic, and it’s essential to foster the former. As we make personal resolutions for the New Year, let’s not forget about our professional lives.

In the spirit of self-improvement, here are 7 ways to build and maintain healthy partnerships:

Note: Agencies = agencies, freelancers, contractors, social media managers, service provider


Agencies: Leave room to get to know each other, understand your client’s needs, and align your strategies accordingly.

Clients: Recognize that your agency is a partner, not just a service provider, and certainly not competition, and align your strategies accordingly.


Agencies: Prioritize transparency and deliver results that build trust. Keep your clients informed and involved.

Clients: Trust your agency’s expertise and recommendations, and provide them with the necessary information to succeed.


Agencies: Maintain open lines of communication. Regularly engage with your clients to understand their evolving needs.

Clients: Be receptive to your agency’s feedback and insights. A healthy dialogue leads to better outcomes.


Agencies: Respect your client’s goals, values, and perspectives. Tailor your strategies accordingly.

Clients: Respect your agency’s expertise and allow them the creative freedom needed for success.


Agencies: Show appreciation for your client’s team members who contribute to the partnership’s success.

Clients: Recognize the efforts of the agency’s team members, from account managers to creatives – not just the CMO (who likely wasn’t involved). This includes gifting.


Agencies: Admit and rectify mistakes promptly, demonstrating your commitment to the partnership. This includes accurate reporting.

Clients: Acknowledge that mistakes can happen and work with your agency to find solutions.


Agencies: Adapt to your client’s changing needs and industry trends, remaining flexible in your approach.

Clients: Be open to adjustments in your strategy as the market evolves, trusting your agency’s guidance.



Emails should be for documentation.

Slack, Google Hangouts, ANYTHING, but Teams should be for back and forth, quick questions, and progress checks. Easy, open communication makes life so much easier.


Do you really need a recurring weekly? What about a recurring biweekly or monthly with the understanding if you need to chat, you’ll schedule a call. Seeing calls on my calendar with no agenda or purpose gives me hives, and I’m going to find a reason to cancel it. I’m all for calls – if we need it.

What would you add?

I’ve been working on the agency, brand, and freelance side for 16 years, and I always think I’ve seen it all until I haven’t. There’s so much wasted time and money in agency and client relationships, not to mention the tension. We all want peace in our personal and professional lives, there’s no arguing that, so why aren’t we all working as a team? After all, we’re all actually working toward the same goal.

If you’re on either side of the partnership and are having a hard time, let me know, I want to try to help.

🐡 Seas and greetings,


🎶🎄 Written while listening to Christmas Trap Music

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