
I don't chase popularity, I cultivate quality

Chelsea | Social Media Strategist

Your weekly practical advice, insights and strategic guide to social media, community management, marketing and freelancing. Created from 15+ years of creating bespoke social media strategies and building thriving communities for 150+ clients and 25+ agency partners. My approach is simple: lead authentically, solve problems, connect, and make a difference.

šŸš Every Wednesday

šŸš The Salty Shell: Listening vs. Monitoring on Social Media

Marketing terms get intertwined and are misunderstood, especially when it comes to social media. Social listening is the most confused between social media monitoring, listening, and reporting. All three are equally important, and I also think all 3 are underused, especially when it comes to tracking consumer behavior and making business decisions. You voted for this issue at the end of last weekā€™s issue ā€“ thank you! šŸ§‚ Salty Insights: Social Media Managers Are Lazy Donā€™t get offended, what...

šŸš The Salty Shell: It's What You Do, Not Who You Are

We need to talk. Last week we went over how to audit your mental health and create your personal wellness strategy and this week, I need you to know: Your career doesnā€™t define you. Your profession is not your personality. At least it shouldnā€™t be. šŸ§‚ Salty Insights: A Profession is not a Personality Itā€™s easy to find value and purpose through our work. Itā€™s even easier to get so immersed in our careers especially as marketers and social media professionals with the internet, email, work chat,...

šŸš The Salty Shell: Your Personal Strategy

I have written at least four different versions of this issue because there are so many ways to approach it, but whatever follows this sentence is written to you from my heart and is a stream of consciousness (vs a planned, structured, edited piece). Donā€™t get creeped out šŸ˜‚ this oneā€™s important, and there are still actionable takeaways and a marketing tie-in. šŸ§‚ Salty Insights: Mental Health May (how the hell is it May?) is Mental Health Awareness month, but as you may recall from the...

šŸš The Salty Shell: The "Future of Social Media" Isn't New

Iā€™m happily reintroducing the original format of šŸš The Salty Shell and diving into a topic thatā€™s close to my heart and crucial to our lives: the power of community. Communities were the original social networks and existed before marketing. šŸ§‚ Salty Insights: Community Isn't a Buzzword Every day, there seems to be a new theory about the ā€˜future of social mediaā€™ ā€“ that it should be more personal, more segmented/niche, and more about real connections rather than broadcasting into the abyss....

Are You Building on Sand?

Listening to Nothing Moreā€™s new single, House on Sand, inspired this issue. šŸŽ¶ I built my house on sand, hoping it would stand the storms coming my way, and now Iā€™m left to face the weight of my mistakes and a chance to start again. šŸŽ¶ What the hell does this have to do with marketing? Well, you know how every time a platform goes down for a few hours and marketers freak out, most posting ā€œTHiS iS yOuR rEMiNdER To nOt bUiLd On rEnTed LaNdā€ So many of us post that (Iā€™m guilty), and itā€™s true,...

Awareness to Advocacy

Awareness is the first step in every customer journey ā€“ itā€™s where you make the brand visible, memorable, and recognizable. It sets the tone for someoneā€™s experience and leaves a lasting impression. Donā€™t take a shot every time I say awareness because today, weā€™re getting into awareness in marketing in general and for causes. The beautiful thing about awareness is that it creates community, which in turn becomes your free word of mouth marketing force. Think about a product you recently...

How to Conduct a Social Media Audit

One of my non-negotiables? Performing a social media audit before creating a social media strategy. Some social media professionals avoid data because theyā€™re uncomfortable with numbers, but I think when itā€™s avoided, itā€™s because they donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing. How else can you truly gauge a brandā€™s performance and even your own contentā€™s effectiveness without taking a closer look? Audits are crucial ā€“ they are the nutrient-rich soil for your social media foundation to be built on; the...

The Power of Proactive Engagement

I didnā€™t anticipate how impactful the community management section of last weekā€™s issue would be. Based on the replies I received and what I've noticed while scrolling for years, most brands and people arenā€™t doing this or are unaware of what community management takes, so here we are! Community management goes beyond the surface-level approaches of liking and replying to comments. To truly build your community, brand, reach, and awareness, you need to do proactive and reactive community...

Maximizing Engagement on a Budget

Engaging and posting effectively on social media can be daunting for nonprofits and small businesses operating on tight budgets. This issue is packed with insights and tips designed to enhance your social presence, foster meaningful connections, and grow your communityā€”ensuring your message resonates. Community Management Proactive AND reactive engagement is crucial for staying relevant and growing your brand or organization on social media. Proactive engagement: actively seek out...

Your weekly practical advice, insights and strategic guide to social media, community management, marketing and freelancing. Created from 15+ years of creating bespoke social media strategies and building thriving communities for 150+ clients and 25+ agency partners. My approach is simple: lead authentically, solve problems, connect, and make a difference.

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