Meet Chelsea

Happy Halloween from Morticia Addams.

Morticia…Chelsea….same same. Let’s clear up this pronunciation once and for all: Rhane is my middle name, and it’s pronounced: “rain.” Most of my handles are @ChelseaRhane. Born a Pisces with the middle name Rhane, it’s no surprise that I find my flow, both in life and work, by the water.

🐚 The Salty Shell [launching tomorrow!!] is the exciting byproduct of a lifetime of being told I should write a book (even before I had a journalism degree), 16+ years as a social media strategist, the many roles that encompass it, and my signature authentic snark😏. I also ran (and miss) an award-winning blog for 5 years, so this is scratching my blogging itch.

The meaning behind The Salty Shell? It’s a metaphor to encapsulate my upfront, no-nonsense approach to work/life (snarky/salty), and the shell revealing profound insights seasoned with a bit of snark and plenty of experience. And. . . my love for the ocean.

I am a pioneer of social media – seriously, I’ve been working in social since it became a thing for businesses. (150+ clients and agencies). I’m a Swiss Army Knife because I’ve had to be, not because I wanted to be, but made me well-versed in every aspect of social media and everything that goes into it. I’m proud to have been a graphic designer, photographer, copywriter, content creator, account manager, community manager, social media manager in paid and organic. I’m a know it all and I love it.

With my deep understanding and intuition about the social media landscape and a consumer-first approach, I’ll be sharing with you more than technical skills and templates – you will know how to build a solid social media foundation, and I will get you thinking about things in a way you’re not used to (and without the fluffy bs 🌬️).

• Trust your instincts

• Be a consumer first

• Strategy before tactics

For me, business is personal. I cultivate genuine relationships with my clients and their communities, which allows me to tailor strategies that are not only affective, but meaningful. Most of my business comes through referrals. My results speak so loudly that my clients and even followers who aren’t clients become my champions.

Each client’s business is a unique entity that I get to know deeply. I don’t follow templates, I have some I’ve created that work for my workflow, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution to social media strategy, and I’m here to help. (Read more about my approach to templates here)

In a world obsessed with new, I bring adaptability to tried-and-true methods. I believe in being nimble, but never losing sight of the core objectives.

I’ve been told since high school that I should write a book, but the only one I’m really compelled to write probably wouldn’t be read by the target audience. “Dear Client:” would be about the client/social media professional relationships, the common and odd struggles, and how to prevent, combat, and resolve them. Honestly, it would be a guide to social media success while preserving your social media professional’s mental health. I will be sprinkling some of that in here and there.

So who is The Salty Shell for? Well, if you’re already here, then it’s for you, but broadly for social media professionals (managers, strategists, directors etc.) as well as those who work closely with them - like account managers, clients, CMOs, a cross-functional partner. Everyone’s wheels will be turning, lightbulbs turning on, and strategies will start forming and performing.

The secret sauce? Success is all about relationships, referrals, and reading the room. I’m looking forward to sharing actionable and easy-to-digest ways for you to build your solid social media strategy and how to build thriving communities.

Strategy > Trends (strategy is greater than trends) hits your inbox TOMORROW.


Since I'm an oversharer, here's a little behind why I chose November 1 as launch day. It's really not relevant, but hey,

November is my least favorite month, for no particular reason, but I equate it to Thursdays, orange, bell peppers and Pearl Jam. No, thank you! It's also Alzheimer's Awareness month, and National Adoption Month. I was adopted and later met my biological mother who passed way too young from Alzheimer's (November 2021). You can read my story here - I received so many compliments for my writing style, so if you're here, chances are you'll enjoy it.

So, I have those ties to November, but what I really love is writing, teaching, and sharing, especially when it comes to social media and communities so I'm taking back November and making it bring me joy - through writing.

🪸Trusted Treasures

First Person daily supplements for peak cognition. Formulated with precision-targeted mushrooms and natural ingredients. I love the morning/noon/night trio. Buy for your brain.

Mad Rabbit Tattoo Balm to enhance old tattoos + maintain new. CHELSEARHANE gets you 20% off! Shop Mad Rabbit

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